Optimising cohort data in Europe

y y Fostering researchers’ engagement with the individuals behind the research data in order to ensure sustainable trust and social value of research (addressee: study participants). 3. To identify the extent to which the expectations and beliefs about personal rights from the general public and/or participants can be justified and balanced in relation to scientific research progress (i.e. accumulation and creation of knowledge). 4. Develop strategies for the integration and interoperability of data obtained through eHealth and emerging digital communication technologies with (i) international ICT platforms (ii) other platform types (Electronic Health Records) and (iv) other data types (e.g. clinical); (e.g. the European Medical Information frameworks can be

interoperated with a focus on dementia with data from wearables). Finally, the SYNCHROS strategic agenda is summarised in Figure 2. Figure 2. Strategic agenda of the SYNCHROS project

6. Conclusions SYNCHROS has already started working towards ensuring the sustainability of its key outputs, which has been inspired by sustainability strategies followed in other EC projects in life sciences/health research. Knowledge transfer in other ongoing and future projects is seen as the main means for sustaining SYNCHROS. In order to identify appropriate channels and mechanisms for this knowledge transfer we focused on the resources and knowledge capabilities available in cohort research. As a result, our partners will be able to employ their communication teams and channels to disseminate broadly the sustainable

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