Optimising cohort data in Europe
links to the project deliverables and publications, as these are SYNCHROS’ most important legacy. The strategic tasks related to the standards, guidance and inclusion domains of cohort research (cf. The Institute for Optimising Multistudy Integrative Cohort Research in Health presented above) are practical steps to reinforce this legacy. Sustaining the SYNCHROS repository as such in the long-term and without obtaining further funding will not be possible but the integration with existing tools (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network Meta Data Repository (ECRIN-MDR); Synapse; Maelstrom Research repository) would be an appropriate solution. The partners will sustain the website until June 2023 to give additional time to the partners to explore longer-term solutions. The best strategy to address the sustainability needs and expectations of both the stakeholders and the SYNCHROS beneficiaries have been discussed, with sustainability priorities specifically targeting policy makers and funders, cohort principal investigators and researchers, research Infrastructures, but also citizens and patients representatives and representatives of ongoing projects, as these are seen as the most important recipients of SYNCHROS sustainability messages. AndreuR, Baiget J, AgustíC. Firm-SpecificKnowledgeandCompetitiveAdvantage: Evidence and KM Practices. Knowledge and Process Management 2008;15(2):97–106. https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.302 Åsvold BO, Langhammer A, Rehn TA, Kjelvik G, Grøntvedt TV, Pettersen Sørgjerd E, et al. Cohort Profile Update: The HUNT Study, Norway. International Journal of Epidemiology 2022;dyac095. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyac095 Barney J. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management 1991;17(1):99-120. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F014920639101700108 Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC); n.d. Available online: https://www. bbmri-eric.eu/ (accessed July 7, 2022) CLOSER; n.d. Available online: https://www.closer.ac.uk/ (accessed July 1, 2022) Data Documentation Initiative (DDI); n.d. Available online: https://ddialliance.org/ (accessed July 1, 2022). European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network Meta Data Repository (ECRIN MDR); n.d. Available online: https://ecrin.org/tools/clinical-research-metadata repository (accessed July 7, 2022). EU4Digital Initiative; n.d. Available online: https://eufordigital.eu/discover-eu/the eu4digital-initiative/ (accessed July 1, 2022). References
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