Optimising cohort data in Europe

Stakeholder category

Main motivation for engagement. They…

… might have a mutual interest; can learn from SYNCHROS findings and SYNCHROS can learn from their project findings, and might be interested in an optimal exploitation of cohort data, to increase their ROI and enhance scientific progress. … can help to advocate for optimal exploitation of cohort data, to increase its ROI and enhance scientific progress on the health context of their interest. ... can exploit SYNCHROS’ findings by developing services and technologies that could facilitate (cohort) data harmonisation and integration for a specific health topic. ... can exploit SYNCHROS’ findings by developing services and technologies that could facilitate (cohort) data harmonisation and integration. … might be interested in helping national research institutes to improve their ROI, hence, can help to implement SYNCHROS’ findings at a local/regional level. … can help to advocate for optimal exploitation of cohort data, to increase its ROI and enhance scientific progress on the health context of their interest. … might be interested in helping local research institutes to improve their ROI, hence, can help to implement SYNCHROS’ findings at a local/regional level. ...are indirectly paying for the initiative so must be kept informed.

Academia/Research institutes

Health Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

Health Trade Associations


National Health Ministries

Patient organisations

Regional Government

General Public / Press

During the identification process, it was essential to find stakeholders that best met the profile of interest, in particular during consultations and dialogues, at the time of which the consortium considered: 1. To aim for diversity in the stakeholder groups (i.e. sectors, professions, etc.). 2. To ensure geographical representation (e.g. East Europe should be present at least with one expert). 3. To ensure gender balance (e.g. at least 20 % of experts should be women or men). 4. To take into account potential conflicts between stakeholders. 5. To encourage and seek stakeholders who traditionally have been excluded from the process.

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